Articles on: CS Amazon Sync (Shopify)

Seller is not authorized to list products in this category

In the report for the product feed, you get one or messages like this one:

Error 802 6: SKU: XXX-YYY - Seller is not authorized to list products in this category. For more http:// sellercentral

You do not have the necessary permissions to publish your offers or products in the category.

This problem is to be corrected on your Amazon account.

Check first all of your seller’s account parameters on your Amazon Seller Central account in the Parameters tab > Information about the Account.

If all parameters are consistent and the problem persists, you should in this case contact Amazon from the Contact Seller Support tab in Amazon Seller Central.
Note: This link is available only if you are logged into your account Seller Central

Updated on: 14/01/2025

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