Articles on: CS Amazon Sync (Shopify)


Reports tab will include summary and detailed views on your Amazon orders and Inventory with no need to go to the store.


All orders made in Amazon are displayed here. You can filter by date ranges or use other filters available.

In Details, you will have more information and you have the ability to choose the columns to be displayed in Edit columns.

You can even view your order by clicking the arrow near the reference.


In Inventory tab, you have a quick view of your inventory status for each platform you’re working on. The numbers will show the inventory sent to Amazon (Qty), in you have in your store (SKUs), available (In Stock) and not available in stock (Out of stock).

Active column will show the offers that are online on Amazon. If not available in stocks, offers will be Inactive. Incomplete offers will be the one with errors or with information missing.

Details tab will show you detailed inventory with quantity and price information on both Amazon and your store in the same grid so that you can easily compare.

You can also view the product on Amazon by clicking on the: eye button

Updated on: 14/01/2025

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