Articles on: CS Amazon Sync (Shopify)

I have different SKUs on different marketplaces on Amazon.


This guide explains how to synchronize your Shopify products with different Amazon marketplaces when those marketplaces require different SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) for the same product. This solution leverages Shopify's variant metafields to manage SKU variations.

Shopify Metafields: This method requires the use of Shopify variant metafields.
Availability: Metafields are available on the Basic Plan and up.

The key to syncing SKUs across different Amazon marketplaces with varying SKUs is to create separate variant metafields in Shopify for each marketplace and then use inventory rules to map the correct SKU based on the target marketplace.

1. Create Variant Metafields for Each Amazon Marketplace:
In your Shopify admin, navigate to Settings > Custom Data > Variant > Add definition.
For each Amazon marketplace you want to sync with (e.g.,,,, create a separate metafield.
Name: Use a descriptive name that clearly identifies the marketplace (e.g., "Amazon US SKU", "Amazon CA SKU", "Amazon UK SKU"). This will help avoid confusion.
Namespace and key: The Namespace and key will be generated for you. Take note of this to use this to create the inventory rule.
Type: Select "Single line text" from the dropdown.
Save: Click "Save" to create the metafield definition.

2. Populate the Variant Metafields with Marketplace-Specific SKUs:
Go to the product page in Shopify.
Edit the variants in your Shopify store to include the Amazon SKU for each marketplace on the Metafield.

3. Update App To Reflect SKUs Created
In the app, navigate to Actions > Operations.
Execute Full metafield import from Shopify.
Wait for the timer to complete.

4. Create Inventory Rules for Each Marketplace:
In the app, navigate to Rules > Inventory.
For each Amazon marketplace, create a separate inventory rule.
Set Conditions: Add the following conditions to each rule:
[Collection/Product Type/Tags] is equal to [Specific Collection/Product Type/Tag]: Use this condition to target specific products or product groups that need to be synced with the marketplace.
Amazon Marketplace is equal to [The Specific Marketplace to be Synced]: This condition ensures the rule only applies to the designated Amazon marketplace (e.g.,
Set Properties: Set the "SKU" property to be synced with the corresponding variant metafield you created for that marketplace. For example, for the rule, the SKU should be linked to the "Amazon US SKU" metafield.


Let's say you have a product in the "T-Shirts" collection that you want to sync with (with SKU "TSHIRT-US") and (with SKU "TSHIRT-CA"). You would:
Create two variant metafields: "Amazon US SKU" and "Amazon CA SKU".
Populate these metafields on the product variant in Shopify with "TSHIRT-US" and "TSHIRT-CA" respectively.
Create two inventory rules:
>> Rule 1 (
Condition: Collection is equal to "T-Shirts"
Condition: Amazon Marketplace is equal to "Amazon US"
Property: SKU = variant.amazon_us_sku
>> Rule 2 (
Condition: Collection is equal to "T-Shirts"
Condition: Amazon Marketplace is equal to "Amazon CA"
Property: SKU = variant.amazon_ca_sku

Updated on: 04/03/2025

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