Articles on: CS Amazon Sync (Shopify)

Catalog - Export

When exporting offers, by default the app will send quantities and prices. You can optionally send metadata : title, description, category… or images

The Existing column will let you know if an offer is already published on Amazon or not, if you see the icon: icon , it means that the offer can be created. You can then decide whether to send part of your offers using Export selected or if none is available on Amazon, you can send them all by clicking on Export all.

If you’re looking for specific offers, you can use the search box or the filters to narrow the list.

Matching allows creating offers for existing products on Amazon by "barcode matching"; if there is a product well known on Amazon with this barcode, the corresponding offer will be created.
Matching group allows to group products and send them in bulk, please refer to Help > Tutorials and select the tutorial matching as best as possible your case
Sample product existing on Amazon and well synced with the App
Sample product, could be created on Amazon, Excluded by a Rule in the Rules tab, with an optional fillable ASIN field where you can put your preferred ASIN

Once exported, you need to check the result in the Scheduler tab and in the Feeds tab as well.

Updated on: 14/01/2025

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